Are you a business owner, looking to market your business effectively? Have you been considering doing some major mass marketing? Here is one marketing technique that will reach the hoi polloi in no time at all-mobile marketing.
One thing to keep in mind though, is that it only really works in certain regions. The greatest market would probably be the Asian ones, with the Chinese, Korean, Japan, Singapore, and Thailand markets booming more than 1000% per year, as of 2010. If you are looking to target these audiences, then this marketing technique will be highly efficient. For Europe, France, UK, and Germany make up the bulk of the market, while in the Americas Brazil and Mexico are in the lead. Make the most out of your campaign by targeting these international markets.
February 22nd, 2011 at 2:58 am
mobile marketing is most effective where it integrates with consumers’ life on the go, via texting that respects the user’s right to privacy and does not push spam
March 7th, 2011 at 10:38 am
Make the most out of your campaign by targeting these international markets