Motorola has confirmed plans to launch two new Android-based smartphones for the Verizon Network in July as well as plans to release a new version of its MotoBlur user interface later this year, in an attempt to distinguish its brand and turn around its struggling business.
Motorola is relying largely upon the success of Google's Android operating system and promotional help from Verizon for its turnaround efforts, literally axing other platforms in its line to focus exclusively on developing high-end devices like company's most recent hit, the Droid.
This alliance also illustrates the challenges Motorola faces from a flood of rivals, each offering their own high-profile line of Droid-brand products. Verizon, not Motorola, actually owns rights to the word "Droid"; licensed from Star Wars company Lucasfilm.
Verizon's decision to work with HTC for the Droid Incredible highlights the issues Motorola now faces as it tries to remains competitive with so many other players in the U.S. market. Motorola says the new Android 2.2 software would be aggressively introduced to its future phones, since the upgrade allows for Adobe's Flash platform
June 1st, 2010 at 11:18 pm
These phones are going to be the most anticipated release of the year. Android phones are the taste of the session and Verizon and Motorola are banking on that. It is to see whether Android operating system can meet expectations or not.