Find It at Megashopper

Find It at Megashopper
© zoovroo

Looking for a Palm Pre? There's a good chance you can find it on megashopper.

Whatever kind of electronic device (or peripheral for it) you may be looking for or considering, there's a good chance you can find a review of it on megashopper – a review created by users just like you. And if you like what you see, you can usually purchase the device right there through megashopper.

The megashopper features everything from 5th Generation 30gig iPods to Dell Latitude XT2 Laptops. You get a review of the product done by a user like you followed by useful product information. And best of all, since it's a wiki you can add to the content, review products yourself, and comment n the reviews of other people. That makes you part of building knowledge on the Web.

Check out megashopper now…

| June 20th, 2009 | Posted in Misc |

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